
The UN

If I were working in the UN, I would like to be public information section.

I do not know yet, what is the UN and what do I do.
But I want to inform the UN all over the world.
And I tell to explain how easy and intresting it is to people.
So, I think we can know the UN.



I think the best work is in Japan for me, because I am Japanese so I have already known our custom work.

But, if I could work other country, I work in Hawaii.
My images, there has how to enjoy working and no stresses. It feels like lower pay than Japan at month, but they get some tip from tipper. So, it is even! If I could have the opportunity, I would like to work in Hawaii.


Make a pie chart

1. I think his personality is the most important, because I want him to have kindness, consideration and etc.
2. Health is necessary.
3. I love car, so I wish he has big cool car. I want to go driving with him.
4. I like good looking man.
5. We need money.
6. I like man who is taller than I.